Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Organic Spirits of the Forest

These assortments of images were spawned from surreal themes as well as dream like energy radiation. I chose to use very little brushes, and much more filters and other distortions. I duplicated many layers to have a layering effect and messed with opacity and the size of the image. FOR THE LAST ONE I branched off a little bit, but I still feel it has a surreal aspect.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I chose to distort the images in ways that would reflect a very outerworldly feel, mainly to enact a space like setting. Some layer manipulation but most distortion and positioning as well as difference in clouds and some rendering.

Enchanted Threshold Space Station

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Assignment number 1 edited

Artist Statement: I chose to create scenes that transport the viewer into another realm, to allow them to see a totally new plethora of styles based off of nature and the universe, as well as spirituality. I used wavy brush strokes, a blender tool, as well layers to show depth and opacity. I was dabbling mainly with a nature oriented theme, but elements of the mental universe as well. All my art has a central theme to show the viewer a portal into another place. My focus was pure colors, uninhibited so that they may interact with the painting and bring out central elements.

Enchanted Threshold Paintings 1st Assignment